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Cari Blog Ini

Acpi Msft0101 Acer

Intel Management Engine Drivers for Windows 10 and Windows 11: Troubleshooting

Common Issues with Intel Management Engine Drivers

Issue 1: No Unknown Devices in Device Manager

If you encounter this issue, try the following solution:

  1. Turn off fast startup in power settings.
  2. Type powercfg -h off in Command Prompt (cmd) and press Enter.

Issue 2: Security Chip (TPM) Issue

To resolve this issue:

  1. Check the actual plug and play hardware identifier for the TPM device (e.g., ACPI MSFT0101).
  2. Disable the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) in UEFI settings.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

* Use a boot repair tool to resolve any potential hardware driver issues. * Uninstall and reinstall the Intel Management Engine drivers after checking their compatibility with your system. * Update your BIOS to the latest version.
