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Professor Hannah Fry

Hannah Fry: All-Round Badass and Mathematical Marvel

Professor, Author, and Media Star

Hannah Fry, born February 21, 1984, is a British academic, author, and radio and television presenter who has made significant contributions to the field of mathematics and public understanding of science.

Professor in the Mathematics of Cities

Fry is currently Professor in the Mathematics of Cities at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at University College London. Her research focuses on the application of mathematical techniques to understand and solve urban problems, such as transportation, housing, and crime.

Best-Selling Author

Fry is also an accomplished author, known for her best-selling book "Hello, World: Being Human in the Age of AI." The book explores the ethical and societal implications of artificial intelligence and has received critical acclaim for its clarity and insight.

Media Presenter

Beyond her academic and literary work, Fry is a popular media presenter. She has hosted numerous television and radio programs on topics ranging from mathematics to artificial intelligence. Fry's ability to explain complex concepts in an engaging and accessible way has made her a highly sought-after speaker.

Optimism and Resilience

Fry has been open about her personal experiences, including her diagnosis and treatment for cancer at a young age. Despite these challenges, she has remained optimistic and resilient. Fry believes that her experiences have helped her appreciate the importance of human connection and the power of mathematics to solve problems.
